## oracle sid를 이용한 sql문 찾기
set pages 40
col program for a25
col username for a10
col machine for a15
col module for a25
col spid for a6
col sid for 99999
select a.username,a.program,a.machine,a.module,b.spid,a.sid,a.serial#,a.status,
from v$session a,
v$process b,
v$sql c
where a.sid = '&sid'
and b.addr = a.paddr
and a.sql_hash_value = c.hash_value(+)
and a.sql_address = c.address(+);
## os pid를 이용한 sql문 찾기
set pages 40
col module for a10
col MACHINE for a10
select /-+ use_hash(a,b,c) *-
from v$session a,
v$process b,
v$sql c,
v$sess_io d
where b.spid = '&pid'
and b.addr = a.paddr
and a.sid = d.sid
and a.sql_hash_value = c.hash_value(+)
and a.sql_address = c.address(+);
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